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Common types of data cable interfaces

Release time:2023-06-23Popularity:225

If you have used a computer 2000 years ago, you may still remember that the mouse interface at that time was like this:

Audio signals, video signals, control signals, data transmission, and charging all have unused cables, which require screwing in and out to make it even more troublesome if lost or broken.

Factory production is also inconvenient, and a significant portion of the entire industry's costs are spent on connectivity.

At the end of 1994, an organization called USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), including Intel, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft and other industry leaders at that time, jointly proposed the concept of USB.

Note: Universal Serial Bus, you can understand it as someone who wants to connect all devices with a single cable - unify the world.

In 1996, the USB Implementers Forum launched the USB 1.0 protocol, and we finally saw the familiar rectangular USB Type-A interface:

Our USB flash drive (USB Type-A interface flash drive) was also born in that era:

Nowadays, many USB drives are Type-C, and the number of A-ports is decreasing

Since then, under the USB standard, USB Type-B, C and other interfaces have emerged, as well as subsequent Apple Lightning interfaces; Protocols such as USB 2.0, USB 3.2, USB4, Thunderbolt 3, and Thunderbolt 4 have also emerged.

With the development of trends, USB Type-C has gradually become the winner among numerous interfaces.

This is also why Apple was very aggressive in leaving only the Type-C interface on MacBook in 2015.


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